Detailed Analysis
It is often the subtleties of the evidence that reveal how an incident occurred. We spend the time to study the details in pursuit of the truth.
Research and Publications
We're leaders in the industry, regularly publishing in scientific journals and presenting to our peers at conferences around the country, and world.
The Latest Tech
We use the latest technology, tools, and simulation software to determine what happened, and to portray those results to the trier of fact.
Our engineers have worked on thousands of cases and testified in multiple state courts, as well as federal court.
Responsive Personnel
Phone calls and emails are typically returned within 24 hours, and clients have direct access to experts to allow for efficient communication.
Education and Credentials
Our principal has two engineering degrees, is a registered professional engineer, and is accredited by, and sits on the board of directors for, ACTAR.
We have performed a great deal of research that has resulted in many publications in the field of motorcycle accident reconstruction. This is Axiom's super-strength.
Event Data Recorders
99% of autos produced today have an event data recorder (aka black box) on board. Most heavy vehicles also have data recorders, as do some motorcycles. We have the knowledge and tools acquire that data.
With access to the best simulation programs, event data recorder interrogation tools, and auto-specific training, we perform thorough, complete analyses
Testing and Research
We have the tools, knowledge, and experience to perform full-scale crash tests, behavioral research, and case-specific testing, when warranted.
Commercial Vehicle
We perform interrogations of heavy vehicle event data recorders, and have the knowledge and simulation tools to properly reconstruction collisions involved heavy vehicles.
We're leaders in the photogrammetry community, teaching courses to other reconstructionists across the country, publishing on the topic, and maintaining the rare title of "PhotoModeler Ambassador."
Research and testing is part of the culture at Axiom Forensic. The field of accident reconstruction is still young, and we enjoy the pursuit of answering the unknown, and validating / developing new methods.

We work to
Rider and Driver Behavior
In 2011, a team of researchers and reconstructionists, including Axiom's Louis Peck, published “Glancing and Stopping Behavior of Motorcyclists and Car Drivers at Intersections,” which became a TRB Transportation Record.
Development of a Photogrammetry Method
We developed a photogrammetry technique allowing for highly accurate vehicular modeling using only eight photographs. The technique was subjected to peer review and accepted for publication in SAE 2016.
Harley-Davidson Crash Testing
Louis Peck was invited to direct the first public crash-testing of Harley-Davidson motorcycles at the largest accident reconstruction conference held to date, WREX2016. The results of that testing are slated for publication in SAE 2018.